Summer's coming... some thought now can save you weeks of chaos. 

Create summer rhythms that balance fun AND real life responsibilities, so you can make memories with your kids.

Summer feels so...romantic. 

Doesn't it? 

We think of the warm weather, bright sunshine, and opportunities for lifetime memories. 

We imagine everyone:

  • Taking nice strolls eating ice cream.
  • Swimming, splashing, and laughing together.
  • Playing happily outside (or reading books!).
  • Sleeping late... zzzzzz.
  • Exploring and enjoying one another's company in new places.

You start off strong.

Then, in 10 days, you're a shell of your former self because...

Chores and household responsibilities aren't getting done, even though there seems to be more time. 
And the things you want to avoid (like too much screen time) ARE monopolizing your days.
You feel like a camp counselor, constantly trying to occupy the kids to fend off Boredom Fights. 
You're chasing tornado children around the house trying to get them to calm down -- or at least pick up some toys. 

I think we can agree...

...we do NOT want these shenanigans happening all daggum day this summer:

  • Snacking 24/7.

  • Constant chaos from lack of routine.

  • ​Whining and bickering non-stop because everyone's bored.

  • ​Daily screen-time marathons because you're losing it.

  • ​Screaming and yelling (you or the kids).

  • Grinding to entertain the kids all day as they recite, "mom, Mom, MOM!" 

  • Couch potato kids not doing chores.

  • Too much time invested in meal prep/planning.

  • Overscheduled busyness.

  • Constant sibling fighting that makes you want to hide in a closet.

Thankfully, you can avoid that drama. 


Create daily routines that balance fun and memory making with the responsibilities of daily life.

Our Summer Rhythms workshop will show you how to:

  • BALANCE fun with productive days where everyone's needs are met.

  • ​Create a good mix of routines, chores and simple fun activities that don't require constant parent involvement.

  • ​Encourage independence, responsibility and cooperative sibling play.

We want you to have one of the best summers of your family's history. 

I'm a certified baby and toddler sleep consultant, authorized Language of Listening® parent coach, and MOTHER OF 5 KIDS IN 5 YEARS!

If there's one thing that's true it's this... I have done summers All Wrong and barely lived to tell about it. I abandoned routine because I wanted the days to feel free and easy, but ended up with too much chaos, too little structure, and the Big Fat Temptation to stick the kids in front of the TV too often just to get some peace. 

This summer, we ain't going down that road. 

This summer, we are going to have enough routine to meet everyone's needs AND build in anchor points throughout the week and weekend that make room for fun and connection. 

"I’ve found your approach to parenting and home organization really relatable, practical and achievable. The advice and planning tools are super helpful!"

- Kate

It's time to create realistic Summer Rhythms that keep mama sane! 

Here's what to expect after putting our routines in place:

Simple but meaningful adventures together.

Relaxation without the stir crazy, no cabin fever!

A good mix between independent activities for the kids and more structured activities.

Routines that help you stay on top of chores so things don't feel too stressful.

Rejuvenating down time so everyone is refreshed, not sitting on a screen all day.

And we'd love to get you there. 

Summer Rhythms will get the most out of summer.

Making room for fun without being over scheduled (which leaves you exhausted and impatient). 

 Our workshop explaining  how to plan your days, weeks, and months in one or two sittings. On any budget. For any size family. 

Weekly time block sheets to help you block out what needs to happen so you can make room for the extras. 

Not To Do List template where we'll explain exactly why and how to empty your plate a bit so you're able to enjoy this summer with your kids. 

No Screen Time Until template you can use and fill out to help avoid screen time battles and screen time babysitting... that makes you feel guilty when the sun goes down. 

Summer Bucket List ideas that are simple, inexpensive, and perfect to pull out of the hat when the kids are stir crazy. 

Easy kid friendly recipe ideas for DIY breakfast, snacks, lunch, dinner, and desserts. Your kids can even learn some kitchen skills! 

The days are long, but the years are short.

Let's make the most of this summer,
shall we? 

"You always swoop in at just the right time to lift my spirits and give me small ideas to tweak our home life and let me breathe a little easier."


In our Summer Rhythms workshops, we'll show you step-by-step how to plan well

Watch one per day (or binge watch) & get started on your summer plans ASAP!


Create semi-scheduled days so you're free to enjoy summer fun without all the chaos that comes from no plan.

Set anchor points within your weeks and weekends to be sure a balanced level of structure and adventure exists.

Make realistic chore systems without nagging and punishment. Even though it's summer...the house don't run itself. 

Establish "wake up times" that anyone toddler aged and up can keep so mama ain't getting up at 5 am for no reason. 

Keep a Not To Do List so you can be intentional with your summer and not waste it on things that don't matter.

Manage boredom which - of course - leads to fighting and outrageous messes. 

Plan your days so everyone has a peaceful summer and isn't fighting like cats and dogs OR in front of a screen for 10 hours a day. 

Oh and you'll also get...

Visual Routine Cards ($7 value)

You'll get 40+ printable routine cards for kids aged toddler to elementary school. These include morning, evening, play, chore, meal, and snack time routines! You can stop the nagging and the reminding with these bestsellers. 

Room By Room Chore Checklists ($19 value)

We'll provide 100+ printable chore cards for your toddlers and preschoolers, and room by room checklists for your older children so they can go into a messy bathroom and learn how to clean it, step-by-step. 

Transition Tips 101 ($10 value)

Do your kids struggle going from one activity to another? Do they pitch a fit when you need to leave somewhere, go somewhere, or stop doing something they like? Been there, dealt with that. We'll help become a transition wizard.

Total value of bonuses: $33

Take heart, mama... can have loosely structured days (not too scheduled) that flow smoothly so everyone's needs (including your own) are met. 

Have a burning question?

Will I get anything by mail?

Nope! It's all digital for you to print out and use or write on with your tablet. You can re-use these as many times as you need, all summer long. 

What age children will this work for?

Any age because it's for YOU creating simple summer rhythms that make life enjoyable for your whole family this summer. 

And if I'm a working mom?

Working moms deserve an amazing summer too and, if you're gone for much of the day or trying to work from home, it's even more important to plan simple rhythms to make sure you're getting enough memory making in!

How much time is required?

In as little as a few hours (maybe less if you speed us up, ha!)  you can learn the principles and put them all down on paper. 

I already did Family Routines Reboot... is this the same thing? 

Nope! This is specifically geared towards summer days where we want some structure to keep the peace, but room for memory making and merriment. 

Is it available immediately? 

Yes, you will receive instant access to it all via email immediately after purchase. 

Do I need a special program to access the materials?

No, we have made this easy to access and  use. We'll send you the workshop via email and the documents are PDFs you can print or access with your tablet. 

What if I hate it? 

If you don't find it useful, no worries, we have a total happiness guarantee. Just let us know within 14 days and we will refund your money.

We've got you covered from all angles. 

  • WORKSHOP: How to create a semi-scheduled summer routine ($20 value)

  • WORKSHOP: Simple chore, mealtime, and screen time routines ($20 value)

  • WORKSHOP: Managing boredom, sibling fights, and reset tips when chaos strikes ($20 value)

  • PLANNING PAGES: Weekly and monthly planning sheets ($10 value)

  • CHECKLISTS & LISTS: Not To Do Lists, No Screen Time Until list, recipes, bucket list ideas ($10 value)

  • ROUTINE CARDS: 40+ visual routine cards for kids aged toddler to elementary school ($7 value)

  • CHORE CARDS: 101+ printable chore cards and room-by-room chore checklists ($19 value)

  • TRANSITION TIPS CHEAT SHEET: Specific tips to help with transition fighting ($10 value)



Are you ready to have an amazing summer with your kids without losing your mind? 

Don't reach burnt out - wanting to cancel everything - and needing a vacation from your summer vacation.

Spend a couple hours now and reap the benefits all summer long

You don't have to create super detailed daily schedules to keep the benefits of routine. 

Learn how to keep the kids busy without feeling like a drill sergeant so summer is joyful, life-giving, and full of fun memories. 

Let us help. 

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Summer Rhythms Printable Poster

Only $9!

Want ONE place to keep all your Summer Rhythms? You can print it at an office supply store and voila! Summer at a glance :)

✔️ Monthly calendars
✔️ Morning, afternoon, and evening routines
✔️ No Screen Time UNTIL list
✔️ Summer Bucket List
✔️ To Do List

Your summer rhythms can be front and center for everyone in the house, and it's lovely too! 💖

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Summer Rhythms | A Mother Far From Home | 2024